Access to the leaning tower of the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Ústí nad Labem
The new access to the leaning tower was designed by the well-known architect Martin Rajniš, who stands out as the author of a number of unique wooden structures (e.g. the Czech Post Office on Sněžka), and his architectural office. A prismatic stair tower should rise to a height of 12 metres, replacing the original staircase. This structure is covered on the outside with solid wooden louvres to protect the structure against the weather.
New access to the tower
How it all began…
The leaning tower of the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary deviates from the vertical by more than two metres in its sixty metres of height. It is the most sloping tower in the Czech Republic and far beyond the borders of the surrounding countries. Therefore, it is not surprising that there have always been initiatives to make this “slanted beauty” accessible and to make it possible to visit this unique building. In 2010, Václav Houfek, the director of the Museum of the City of Ústí nad Labem, in his report “Wandering cameras” about the leaning tower, spoke about the fact that it was seriously considered to make it accessible. However, until 2015, it was not possible to overcome many of the pitfalls.
It was only when the Ústí Community Foundation, as the largest private foundation in the Ústí Region, took on the role of the investor of the whole event and also the role of the entity that covers and coordinates the activities of other partner organizations that have been striving for the re-opening of the leaning tower for many years that the imaginary ice moved. We are now convinced that a balanced partnership between the public, non-profit and private sectors has been formed, which holds the promise for the successful completion of the entire project.
Supported by more than 68 donors
with CZK 1,737,152
Ústí Community Foundation
is the first Czech community foundation with roots dating back to 1993 and the second oldest of its kind in Central and Eastern Europe. Our headquarters are in Ústí nad Labem.
Thanks to donations from dozens of corporate and individual donors, we support over 100 projects of non-profit organizations and individuals each year, totaling over
3 million crowns, especially in the districts of Děčín, Litoměřice, Louny, Teplice and Ústí nad Labem.
In relation to the project Access to the Leaning Tower of the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Ústí nad Labem, it is in the role of coordinator and investor of the entire project.